Ska Date 14-5-22
The SS Rude Boys descended on a suburb north of Brisbane to do their 'thang' at the Thirsty Chiefs brewery. Despite the drizzling rain there was a good crowd already positioning themselves close to the stage. After a quick set-up and sound check we hit the green room for espresso martinis and a game of air hockey while changing into our signature and iconic black and whites.
The crowd was growing and the beer was flowing as we hit the stage and blasted out the first few lines of 54-46, 'Stick em up mister'.
While Steve the trumpet's girlfriend Jade and my brother James hovered round the merch table, the punters moved forward and began to dance, loosened by the extremely well-crafted beer that only Thirsty Chiefs can brew.
Once everyone is nice and sweaty, Mick invites some of our enthusiastic dancers onstage. Pics are taken and beer bottles are kicked over as we skank our way into the night.
Jade's birthday saw a candled cake and a woefully romantic rendition of happy birthday. We played on to the enthusiastic crowd as Wayne (trombone) and Steve C (trumpet) were standing on the bar playing while the rest of the brassies were mingled with the dancing crowd.
We get an encore and pump out 2 more dance sweaty tunes, 'Mirror in the Bathroom' and 'One Step Beyond'. The rhythm section is fist pumping each other at the end of another great night.
"Goodnight and thank you all for coming out to support live music tonight" says our front man as we retreat for a quick pack up and idiot check. (double check the empty stage - someone ALWAYS forgets something!)
P.S. Someone left their handbag and cake behind. Don't know who that was...?
Mick lost his phone & there was major panic for an hour, until we found it in the tee shirt box. Jeeeeez....
Hey readers, feel free to comment or send us a message. More blogs to come after our next gig and some great pics by Kim Grimley.
Next gig at Mooloolaba foreshore on 2nd July supported by Cool Britannia and other local talent.
Sunny Coast Rude Boys headline the Childers festival on sat 30th of July if you feel like getting away from the coast for a day or two of great music and rural fun.
Til next gig, love from the Rudies.
(written by Steve The Bass)